Monday, April 28, 2014

What is it now means to me as a mother when I hear word "stylized" When is come to children characters.

I usually post about special needs posts. But I saw something today I just needed to talk about. I grew up watching Sailor moon.  Serena in general because she out of all the anime looked like me. Not the alien spindly body like me but more like a real girl she talked about wanting to lose weight about boys etc. She was a little boy crazy and not the best of role model but to me she was one I most related to at the time. Aside from usual teen stuff and fighting alien bad guys :) They brought out reboot. I was really excited. I had actually shown old version to my son. I know I might get payback later for it but I am not huge fan of gender stereo typing show they watch.

I used to be HUGE fan of this and was really excited until I saw the sketches.I have actually shown the original show to my kindergarten sons. I wanted to share with them stuff I liked when I was little and I liked how they weren't twirling around in belly shirts Aside from Serena who was fun it had some good female role model.They really like it. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade I just don't like direction it is going. Sailor moon was only anime with more realistic body type. She was almost on the pudgy side for anime standards at least. Which makes sense because she always whining about need to go one diet which is running gag for better part of series.

First Disney actually make villain Barbie dolls makes a rather rotund Urula size two because they want her "more stylized."Which baffles me why they even used her in first place. Why not leave her out rather than make size "24" a size "2" Now they are stretching out Sailor Moon body out to unrealistic proportions.They even rebooted Candy Land character to make them even skinnier. Same went for rainbow bright. When does it end? I love sailor moon but I might pass on this. Now term "stylized" keeps popping up to justify these changes. Now when I hear it seems to be on par with saying made skinnier without offending parents.They didn't change anything about her really outfit are the same but now she grown a foot and lost a lot of weight. As mom this sadden me because this isn't what i grew up with.  It isn't near a normal body type they can achieve. We as parent are accepting body acceptance isn't getting better it's getting worse. On step at a time our childhood is getting re written and plus sized bodies will not be a part of it eventually under pr term more "stylized"in short meaning replacing fatter model with skinnier models and them reselling it to us as something completely new.



Now a even more drastic design change. Let not look at the heroes we loved but the villains. Take Ursula. She was only plus sized female character in the Disney universe. I wasn't biggest fan of her as child I really like her confidence as adult woman. She wasn't the type to give up everything for a boy and knew what she wanted. As an adult woman I related her more than Ariel. he's evil sure but no one perfect lol. By no means am I saying this is healthy body type. But neither is the one that follow this design.  This year they re wrote history yet again with Disney collect and I'll show you want mean.


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