Friday, May 2, 2014

On unrelated note in wake of Disney Scandal

I have been rather obsessed with Ursula lately. After Disney scandal about downsizing her doll. I ironically came across Disney article saying Disney character was based on famous drag Queen Divine. Which is kinda cool. I didn't care for Ursula much as child. I was more and Ariel girl. Not because of who she was but how she looked. But the adult woman in me respect Ursula more. She wasn't afraid to go after what she wanted. She went to far mind you being full on evil. But she had fun was flamboyant and generally seemed like she was having a blast. She didn't have man didn't want one. She'd rather have world domination.  While Ariel cried whole movie over getting a man and keeping him.I am weird as an adult I kinda find myself routing for villain more they general seem like they would be more fun to hang with.

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