Friday, April 25, 2014

Daily commodities by baby bus identifying item around the house

Daily Necessities by BabyBus - screenshot
 It has two aspects the flash cards as well as object finding game
I like this app for numerous reasons it help to identify item around the house. I has a find item play style to it to help reinforce learning rather than relying solely on flash cards which is has as well. You learn name of everyday item and then you need to find them through out the house. Which is great for labeling hand eye coordination etc. My boy love the little bear and it make learning fun. Once you find item is has verbal prompt that tell child items name to help reinforce labels. .  click tio go to app
Daily Necessities by BabyBus - screenshot
Here is an example of flash card provided

Daily Necessities by BabyBus - screenshot
Here is example of the game you search from room to room
 trying to find object listed on left hand side

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