Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tracing abc

Tracing ABC Letter Worksheets - screenshot
This app is found on google play. I had Gabe draw with stylus it follow one line at a time.It has many great option let you practice letter number words as well as you can add your own word on menu. I used that option to help teach Gabriel to write his own name on the tablet. Little stars light up as you follow direction. Bright engaging colors. He actually enjoys using this program.

You can practice individual letter words or numbers. In this part he using number option Little stars light up as you follow direction. One finish it will say name of number you just wrote. A drop down image will appear showing visual example of number complete like in the video for example he traced number two and it display picture of two shoes. As well as written version on the number you just traced.
Tracing ABC Letter Worksheets - screenshot
Gabriel is tracing out letter two

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