Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My day with wh app

THis is great app I use with son Gabriel. It has colorful social story. The social story show example of who what where questions  it about $3.04 on google play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.TouchAutism.MyDayWHWords&hl=en

Another neat feature is there is button you can press after story that has example of who what when where questions to help with conversation building. It helps  reinforce what they learnt in social story.

Whats that word

I was looking up great asd app for emerging readers. I found "whats the Word" It display four picture and child type in how to spell. Has blank for how many letters in words.  It's free game with in app. purchases. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.emerginggames.whatstheword&hl=en

Friday, March 14, 2014

Leo the Lightening bug

It about a lightening bug the struggles to find his light. It talks about adversity and teasing and eventually finally finding your way. I love this book and highly recommend app has great voice acting and bright beautiful artwork. My son Aiden loves voice of the little boy in the story, It his favorite story on android play. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oceanhouse_media.bookleothelightningbug_app

First then app

This program is great for any mother with android phone or also available on iphone for portable visual schedules on the go. I usually use this for mostly morning routine when boy are getting ready for school. It is highly interactive. you can do one image at a time or use first then model. As well as you add pictures you have option of recording your voice saying different activity so they can use verbal cues on the touch picture. I posted a few visual schedules and I was looking online at special need apps and I highly recommend this one. You don't need to have rolls of picture on string to flip through to show each step . I used to have routine printed on wall but  had to reprint for certain order. This app has picture step you can search and add with touch of button.Has different view for different types of difficulty. There is one picture at time then first then and list option.I used this and find it really great to create everyday routines. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apps.gk.firstthen

There is first then view

Then list setting if they can follow more instruction

You can set timer to make them more aware of time or leave off under settings.

The My Brother Charlie by Holly Robinson Peete

My Brother Charlie

The story is about Twins Callie and Charlie have a lot in common, but they are also very different: Charlie has autism. Callie narrates the story, describing what autism is and exploring the issues that come along with it. The theme is of love, patience, and acceptance. Endnotes give a few basic facts for children unfamiliar with the disorder. The authors, a mother-daughter team, based this story on personal experience. Evans's bright, mixed-media illustrations skillfully depict the family's warmth and concern. This book really speaks to me because. When my son Gabriel was struggling with his speech; I didn't know how to explain to his twin brother Aiden what was going on. Gabriel was still is same class as Gabriel then and he didn't know why Gabriel had a hard time talking. I read tons kid books there were a few that spoke only of negative aspects of autism. But this book talked about love as well as strengths and weaknesses relating to autism. I found this book at library first time I read it, I was moved to tears. So I ordered copy and read to my son. It is a favorite in my collection every time family asks “what is autism?” I show them this book.  It was written by mother of child with Autism Holly Robinson. it is great read highly recommend. http://www.amazon.com/Brother-Charlie-Holly-Robinson-Peete/dp/0545094666 she even donate part of proceeds to help families access speech therapy.
http://www.amazon.com/Brother-Charlie-Holly-Robinson-Peete/dp/0545094666 she even donate part of proceeds to help families access speech therapy.

Special needs swimming

Moving to Brampton a first it was really hard I found out Gabriel was special needs. They said he would be able to attend camp. It was last chance to hang out with friend in Mississauga before the move. The flyer said integrated when I paid I asked staff it would be fine. Well they then told me day before I had to either pay $300 for respite or withdraw from class and explain to my kids why. I had third alternative was I paid to go to camp with my son. SO I went to camp. But one thing I found out since moving to Brampton they actually have special needs camp WOOT WOOT. I don't need to apply for funding through community living I do not need to attend. There is respite code so he can attends any program not just special needs Camp. I did swim and explore  only cost me $50 for ten session that were three hours each. I was first camp he attended by self and he loved it. He my little water baby. We played at wading pool at city hall during summer and  I just knew he loved the water. It was great experience. It weird to think different cities have huge difference in levels of support.  http://www.brampton.ca/EN/residents/recreational-Activities/Pages/Special-Needs.aspx
Found neat behavior sheet I thought I might pass along to teacher see if it works. It is really hard to find decent help of pininterest lately that doesn't either lead to dead link or paid site that were advertised as free until you click on it.
I have been really bad about posting on this. Since school started found out son one son was special needs asd and other had issues with hearing.  Both are getting speech therapy to help but looong battle.Waiting to be assessed getting help etc.  I moved to new place and they are doing better at least there is more space to roam. I thought I would finally go back to work once they started school but Gabriel needed speech therapy and extra help so i postponed another year. This year we found out Aiden needed more help so more appointment. It stressful but I find joy in little moments. They love sledding which is great since we live in Canada it great to get on snow and forge our worries and just see them smile.