Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Here is one of best comics I have seen so far to explain the spectrum

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Totally me. I went to moms special needs support group described all appointments stress etc. Only to have ppl say at least your child could.... There is competitive empathy. That lead me to not seek out "support" It is weird with high functional child on spectrum. Just because not same experiences. Doesn't mean my feeling aren't valid. I am mother in middle between two worlds. This article is a good read. http://www.vitalsign.info/2016/05/02/when-youre-in-between-being-a-special-needs-mom-and-a-typical-mom/

Shame spiral

I struggled with this a bit at first when he was diagnosed. People would be openly critical to my son. When I began journey I had horrible teacher who said he didn't belong in regular school. Openly talk to other parent about his challenges. I had other parent discuss how he didn't belong in regular school even to go as far as to tell their kids not to play with my son. I was stricter than I should be hoping to normalize so that other people would treat him better. I was in denial about diagnosis. I start to believe the lie mother in law told about bad parenting and was to strict to my son.I succumbed to pressure that was being heaped on me Funny thing is when I filtered out other people G happiness skyrocketed. His stimming wasn't as severe. His anxiety levels were lower. Looking back I was pissed at that time. I was so focus on deficits I didn't help him properly at first. Now I don't listen to them. I fight back hard to those that would deny him help. I am stronger now. But every one and a while old me resurfaces. https://autismwithasideoffries.blogspot.ca/2016/05/shame.html