Thursday, September 15, 2011

the bbw party

The bbw party is coming soon there is a ton of entertainment booked, jazz music, belly dancing (they are fantastic) 3 different burlesque performances (which I just found out about)and of course... THE FASHION SHOW!!! Where Karen Ward and Myself are modeling. I am kinda nervous about walking down the runway but looking forward to it at the same time. I practice walking in heels with twin if i can chase toddlers with heel on I dont think runway will be too scary. This is picture on me during my fitting

Monday, September 12, 2011


I just came back from loong roadtrip with mom for amber bday.I was fun hanging out with
sister but it good to be home

Art classes

I started doing art classes with friend and I continued to do them well after Sandra left it was great fun they even had people come in with costumes. which was fun but great challenge to draw.

 This is more of a rough sketch than the first I am still trying to get back into it. I haven't drawn in while before I started taking art classes again.

 nude sketch of plus sized model not as good as top one this was my first art class

this is front face nude plus sized model

Mode brought in these really neat goggles. I wish i got more detail on this