Thursday, September 15, 2011

the bbw party

The bbw party is coming soon there is a ton of entertainment booked, jazz music, belly dancing (they are fantastic) 3 different burlesque performances (which I just found out about)and of course... THE FASHION SHOW!!! Where Karen Ward and Myself are modeling. I am kinda nervous about walking down the runway but looking forward to it at the same time. I practice walking in heels with twin if i can chase toddlers with heel on I dont think runway will be too scary. This is picture on me during my fitting

Monday, September 12, 2011


I just came back from loong roadtrip with mom for amber bday.I was fun hanging out with
sister but it good to be home

Art classes

I started doing art classes with friend and I continued to do them well after Sandra left it was great fun they even had people come in with costumes. which was fun but great challenge to draw.

 This is more of a rough sketch than the first I am still trying to get back into it. I haven't drawn in while before I started taking art classes again.

 nude sketch of plus sized model not as good as top one this was my first art class

this is front face nude plus sized model

Mode brought in these really neat goggles. I wish i got more detail on this

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Runway modeling for BBW

I was selected for runway modeling for BBW. They picked out my looks and it was alot of fun to strut in heels. It is nice break for me being mother of two it is hard to feel sexy. Your up early and you tend to put yourself last anyhow it was nice to feel great and get positive feedback. It great to feel like a woman sometimes instead of just a mom.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My best friend is going back to china

Sandra and I just started open life art classes together and she going back to china to teach.I have gotten used the nude aspect and I realize using nude models really does help with musculature and draping. We are a bad influence on each other we go off diet and get into all kinds of trouble shopping together. She will be missed. As promised I am posting up the beautiful dress below by gussied up taken by the beautiful Sandra.hers is store website

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Additionelle fashion

This is one of my favorite shirts from Additionelle at$45. It is blue camisole with sheer outer layer blue top. It has bell sleeves tie at the back as well as tunic length outer layer. It it fun and breezy and on of my favorite tops.  I classy and comfortable I get alot of use out of it.

Here another picture of blue shirt from the side

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Shopping with Sandra

 I went to some of the plus sized shop in Toronto Karen Ward suggested with my friend Sandra. At Sexyplus I got this beautiful black and silver dress for $129. I flows beautifully it feel kind like Alice in wonderland.

  As well as trench dress from Gussed up for $70 and tight for $29 I will feature later today. it was a fun trip and they have some really funky subway it toronto.
I never realised that ever station look completely different fro the next it was pretty cool.

Friday, August 12, 2011

For those who love additionelle

You can post you picture on you their site in Facebook and you can win having you picture featured for a month on their site I won in dec. It's a neat ego boost.

Plus sized clothing

 I got this wonderful dress from this website called city chic for only $30 and it's on of nicest dresses I own.I have lost some weight since this pic was taken I cant wait until tomorrow to go shopping with my friend in downtown Toronto to get some new clothes.

Art classes

I did my first open life drawing class. I though it would be awkward drawing nude form but it was okay they had nice background music and warmed up with five min pose so you didn't really have time to feel awkward you were try to sketch as quick as possible. I took years of art however since boy were born I haven't done much. I need to practice more. Even though it's hard to find the time to do so.  It wasn't to expensive but a bit late for me. They boy got me up at 5:30am and I was in class until 10pm it was a loong day. But it was fun to get out with my friend SB.

First Edition

I have always been plus sized and am finally learning to love my body size. Mostly because there are finally there are designers who are finally making decent clothes for bigger women outside athletic clothes. For fun  I set up blog to share joy and challenges of being both a woman and mother in today's society.

I am stay at home mom with twin boys. I graduated business management before birth of twins. I was top of my class in Business and suck at cooking although I am slowly learning.Anyhow I how you enjoy my blog. Have great weekend.